Workforce, training and education
East of England

At HEE East of England we recognise the importance of planning your career in a timely fashion.Access into training can take many routes and will partially depend on your previous experience. The links will give you some information about your eligibility and requirements for application into specialty training.

For some doctors non training posts will be preferable. You can access career advice for Staff Associate Specialists and Locally Employed Doctors

In whatever post you are in keeping evidence of your learning and development is vital. This is collated in an electronic portfolio (Eportfolio). This will be provided by your specialty training programme and royal college. If you are not in a training post you can still gain access to an eportfolio through your royal college or a generic portfolio through your trust.

The evidence should take the form of various workplace based assessments (WBPA). The BMJ have written an article describing WBPA's. This will help you how to document your learning journey.




NHS Jobs

You can use NHS Jobs - Candidate Homepage to search and apply for roles in the NHS.

BMJ Careers

The BMJ careers website contaings many useful careers articles and advice as well as job postings.

Medical Training Initiative (MTI)

Medical Training Initiative (MTI)

The Medical Training Initiative (MTI) is designed to enable a small number of International Medical Graduates to enter the UK to experience training development in the NHS for up to two years before returning to their home country using training capacity not required for planned UK/EEA training numbers. Employers do not sponsor the scheme; instead they are approved by the LETB's / Deaneries and the relevant Medical Royal College.

We ask that potential MTI placements identified by a trust are provisionally sent to HEEoE for approval before a doctor has been appointed.  This eliminates the risk of disappointment if a placement cannot be approved by the Dean. The flow chart below shows the process between the trusts and the LETB.

For more information and an application pack please visit the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges website or contact



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