Workforce, training and education
East of England

Year 1 and 2: Specialty Training Year ST 4 & 5


General Adult Psychiatry: three days per week

Three days per week will be spent in General Adult Psychiatry which may begin in any General Psychiatry setting, with in-patient teams often favoured over a community mental health team to begin.  The General Adult Psychiatry Educational Supervisor is the Consultant in this setting.

Medical Psychotherapy: one day per week

Trainees will be expected to use their special interest/research time, one day per week spent in Psychotherapy.  Clinical supervision of psychotherapy cases seen once weekly will begin in the first year and continue throughout the training. Trainees will be expected to attend an appropriate training course in psychoanalytic theory and currently the scheme has relationships with the Tavistock clinic in London.  The trainee’s Medical Psychotherapy Educational Supervisor will remain their trainer beyond the first two years of the training to provide continuity and containment.