Workforce, training and education
East of England

There are many opportunities for hospital-based dental training in Health Education England working across the east of England (HEE EoE). The region has two large medical teaching hospitals, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, as well as several middle and smaller district general hospitals. This range of hospital environments accommodates a variety of training opportunities in a wide variety of settings. Dental Core Training (DCT) and Orthodontic specialty training is based in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMFS) and Orthodontics Departments across the region.

The DCT training posts available vary from working in a large rotation across a network to working in a small stand-alone unit with fewer colleagues. Several of our training hospitals are regional centres for head and neck oncology, cleft lip and palate, and major trauma centres are being planned within the region.

In Orthodontic specialty training the posts rotate across two or three units and provide excellent training opportunities and facilities. Orthodontic training also links to the London teaching hospitals and universities for the Master's degree components of the Orthodontic training.

The OMFS or Orthodontic Departments have Educational Supervisors and senior clinicians, who have undertaken HEE EoE approved training in education, managing e-portfolios, careers advice and mentoring. Junior staff members are allocated one of these experienced colleagues to monitor and supervise their training.

Each of the HEE EoE approved training posts offer the opportunity to complete the required e-portfolio. Appropriately completed DCT e-portfolios will lead to the award of Certificate of Achievement of Dental Core Training Year 1, 2 or 3.

It is testament to the training in the East of England that many of our junior dentists who train in the HEE EoE area progress to specialty training in the region and then become senior level staff within this area.

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Friday, 31 July, 2020