Workforce, training and education
East of England

By using technologies such as Whole Genome Sequencing, an individual’s DNA when analysed together with other health information provide not only a better understanding of the interactions within a person but also those that occur with the environment. This leads to improved knowledge of the factors involved in the development of disease and the likely success or failure of proposed interventions.

Please see the below video which provides an overview of what genomics is and the impact it can have on patient care.




It is therefore essential that organisations such as HEE enable and prepare staff in genomics which will result in better patient care and health. With that in mind HEE has developed an education programme to ensure that staff have the necessary skills and knowledge. 

And, for those in the East of England the Cambridge Genomic Medicine Programme offers training in genomic medicine to health professionals from various backgrounds.

For further information please use the above resources.

Tuesday, 14 January, 2020
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Tuesday, 14 January, 2020