Workforce, training and education
East of England


Here we list other courses that ACCS trainees have recommended as beneficial for their learning. Please note that these courses are aspirational and funding is subject to deanery discretion.

A&E radiology survival course (Northwick Park Hospital)

RCS Basic Surgical Skills Course (National)

Ill Medical Patients’ Acute Care and Treatment (IMPACT) Course (National)

ORUK Orthopedic and Trauma Course for Emergency Medicine (Queen's Hospital, Romford)

RCEM Study Days (various subjects, procedural training, etc.) (National)

Focused Echo in Emergency Life Support (FEELS) Course (National)

POCAS Ultrasound Course by Cambridge PGMC (similar to RCEM Level 1 Ultrasound so EM trainees may omit this)

ENT Boot Camp (Cambridge) - 30 Jan 2020 (annual event but no official page)


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