HEE Midlands and East
The Educational Supervisor: I qualified some 30 years ago from Liverpool and since then have been involved with FD training over the last 15 years. Since then ,I've studied at the Eastman in London and obtained my Msc at Warwick. I'm particularly interested in restorative ,Implant and orthodontics treatments. I've studied both hypnosis and NLP and lectured on photography and clinical dentistry.
I have a relaxed and friendly approach and always aim to individualise my approach according to the needs of my FD.
My aim is always to give the best possible start to my Fd during this important and formative year. Fd are given freedom to choose appointment lengths and I always operate an open door policy to ensure good access.
The Practice: A progressive friendly and busy practice located in a busy town centre with parking.The Practice has been established over 40 years and has a very good reputation for NHS and Private dental care. It is very well equipped with digital radiography including panoral, fully computerised using SOE software. Ni-ti endodontic files along with apex locators are available to the FDs. There are two Educational Supervisors and the practice has been allocated two FDs for the past 15 years.
FDs have a dedicated experienced nurse and will be encouraged to take part in practice meetings and attend the various social events that are organised.
The Area: West Bromwich is a medium sized town situated North West of Birmingham.In recent years it has attracted considerable investment leading to the development of a new shopping centre, new Metro station and good rail and bus services all in walking distance of the practice.The Practice is situated in the town centre.