East of England HEE Quality Framework
The HEE Quality Framework for education and training sets out the expectations for quality within the work-based learning environment. The domains of the quality framework underpin the role of HEE in education training and quality.
The quality standards in the framework include ensuring a culture which responds to feedback and encourages learners to be honest when things go wrong; transparent and accountable governance practices; educational and pastoral support to learners including adjustments under the Equality Act; and ensuring that programmes comply with national and HEE regulatory standards.
The video below describes the HEE Quality Framework and the importance of learner experience, the link between poor quality education and retention, confidence and capability. It outlines the importance of quality, the HEE quality standards and the importance of concerns.
The East of England implementation of the strategy and framework for quality signals our commitment to high educational standards and for improving quality across all settings and disciplines. It enables us to fulfil our accountability to patients and learners. This approach further recognises the integral part all stakeholders play in day to day quality activity and without whom we would be unable to fulfil our responsibility for ensuring that there are high quality learning environments for all healthcare learners.
The East of England implementation of the risk-based and multi-professional approach to quality management and quality improvement puts systems and processes in place to assist each local Post-Graduate Dean (PGD) to fulfil their accountability for multi-professional quality within the national governance model while ensuring a consistent and demonstrably transparent process for all education and training quality concerns. The Risk and Quality Governance process assures the Director of Education and Quality (DEQ) that risk is managed consistently and proportionately, in line with the QA Framework, across the region with the relevant clinical input and expertise.
Our local teams will work with placement providers and higher education institutes to drive quality improvement and ensure that innovation and best practice is celebrated and shared across the country. For more information about how we apply this locally click here
For more information on the HEE National Quality Framework visit the HEE National website
If you require further information about the HEE Quality Framework or wish to raise a concern please contact england.qualityframework.eoe@nhs.net