Norwich Study Leave
Step by step guide for Norwich based GP trainees applying for all Aspirational courses or courses where the funding applied for is greater than £600. (please ensure that you check the local process if you rotate to JPUH or QEH)
- Download the Study leave form from HEE - (if you are unable to access the form directly, download the form and then open)
- Complete a PDP specific to the each course/activity
- Complete the form and send to Carol Lucas
- Study leave forms will be looked by the TPDs every 2 weeks
- Approved/not approved forms will be returned to the trainee
- After the course/activity complete section 2 of the form and send supporting evidence (receipts, certificates) to
- Complete a reflective log
Please be advised:
- Travel expenses from your host hospital will not be refunded for a course at that same hospital (i.e. if you are based in NNUH, Norwich Psych or a practice affiliated with Norwich and the course is at the NNUH)
- Full or partial funding may be approved – details will be added to the form
- The form will not be approved without a PDP
- Study leave applications to be submitted 6 weeks before the course/activity. Retrospective applications will not be approved
- Trainees must have fully engaged with local and regional training programmes to be eligible to apply for any form of study leave funding. The expectation is attendance at a minimum of 70% of training events, including regional training days and local teaching sessions.
- When a course is available locally funding will not be approved elsewhere.
- Trainees are encouraged to use the most economical form of transport.
- Overnight stays and subsistence will only be approved where absolutely necessary.
Study time from your practice or hospital department (in addition to above)
GP Practice
Ensure you discuss with you ES and practice manager and have the time off approved.
Hospital based
Study leave – Time - must be approved by your department. Please see the Trust intranet page for details on how to apply for study leave – this is for time only, you cannot claim for funding from the Trust. For funded study leave on a working day please complete both forms and ensure that you send these to the correct departments.
Friday, 20 December, 2019
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Friday, 20 December, 2019