What is it?
The Leadership in Action Fellowship is an abridged version of the previous Integrated Care Fellowship opportunity.
The programme will consist of three in person module sessions over the course of two days as outlined below.
Each module will be delivered in collaboration by the Integrated Care Academy and an experienced set of facilitators from ‘Oliver & Co’.
Module 1 – planned 16th and 17th October 2024*
- Understanding the NHS & Care structure and policy direction
- Introduction to the Myers Briggs Psychometric and Leadership Styles
- Strategic thinking tools to help identify an outline plan for individually led system-based projects.
Module 2 – planned 13th and 14th November 2024*
- Effective partnership skills
- Collaborative agreements
- Taking People with You through Change
- Building trust within and across organisations
- Managing conflict
Module 3 – planned 5th and 6th February 2024*
- Fearless Speaking-how to optimise your impact
- Making Meetings Meaningful
- Coproduction
- Quality Improvement
*Whilst it is not our intention to change the planned module dates, circumstances may arise necessitating a change in date in the future. However, should this be the case, notice will be given.
The intention of this programme is to give you practical as well as theoretical experience of identifying a problem and working with multi-professional colleagues to develop a solution, seeing in action, the impact you can have through effective collaboration.
Benefits of participation include:
- Greater understanding of how the wider health, care and wellbeing system works
- Greater insight into the opportunities and challenges
- Exposure to very experienced leaders in the relevant sectors
- A focus on live issues you face and developing solutions
- Developing a network of peers who also want real change
- Greater confidence and a wide range of practical tools to help you be a better primary care professional, as well as a future leader
Who is it for?
The fellowship opportunity is open to all ‘first5’ GPs in the east of England.
How many places are available?
There are 12 places available on the programme.
When will the fellowship start?
The programme will run between October 2024 and March 2025. The end of the fellowship will be marked with an in-person celebration day in March 2025 (exact date TBC).
Where will the fellowship take place?
All sessions will be held at the Integrated Care Academy office, based at the University of Suffolk in Ipswich.
Sessions will be face to face and travel will be self-funded.
What funding is available?
NHS England will provide a contribution to the employer for an individual’s participation on the programme and participants should be released for approximately two sessions per week. Local agreements should be made between the employing practice and the individual as to how this funding will be utilised.
What is the time commitment?
We understand that the requirement to release staff for these sessions, on average 2 sessions per week, for the duration of the programme can be daunting. However, the programme is a fantastic opportunity to develop leadership skills and influence long-term change within the practice and wider system and therefore beneficial to all involved.
How do I apply?
Applicants should obtain ‘sponsorship’ from their employer before submitting an application via MS forms by no later than 1st September 2024*.
Applications will be reviewed and places on the programme will then be confirmed in writing by no later than the 17th September 2024.
*Please note: We reserve the right to close this early should a sufficient number of applications be received.
Why is sponsorship important?
When applying to the programme, applicants will be asked to provide details of a senior leader within their organisation (i.e. line manager or Practice Manager), who must provide a supporting statement to aid the application and approve the release from the organisation for all scheduled activity. Throughout the programme, the organisational sponsor will provide support to the applicant in achieving their personal development goals, as well as their work within the organisation and wider health system.
Applications for Cohort 3 are now closed. We will be recruiting again in 2024.
The intention of this programme is to give you practical as well as theoretical experience of working in a team on a problem and see, in action, the impact you can have through effective teamwork.
The main benefits of being a participant will be gaining:
- Greater understanding of how the wider health, care and wellbeing system works
- Greater insight into the opportunities and challenges
- Exposure to very experienced leaders in the relevant sectors
- A focus on live issues you face and developing solutions
- Working with a network of colleagues who also want real change
- Greater confidence and a wide range of practical tools to help you be a better primary care professional as well as a leader
- The programme is designed for GPs (in first five years of qualifying), Nurses, AHPs, PAs, Pharmacists and other healthcare clinicians who work in General Practice alongside Social Care, Community Services, Mental Health, Hospitals, District Councils and the Community and Voluntary Sector.
- You will complete the programme as a team of multidisciplinary primary care professionals, working together to deliver a project of the group’s choice based on a real issue in your local system.
- You will apply as an individual, and we will help to match you to a multidisciplinary cohort with other successful applicants from your local system.
The fellowship programme is split into two main areas; a taught programme and a system project, which are intended to complement one another.
Taught Programme
- Education modules together with your multidisciplinary trio. Each module will include a combination of taught components, guest speakers and practical problem solving by participants. Each of the workshop days will be lively, interactive and will focus on real issues that you are facing in your teams and organisations.
- Action Learning Set workshops to progress your individual leadership journey throughout the programme.
- Skills workshops covering the following topics; Fearless Speaking and Presenting with Impact, Making Meetings Meaningful, Negotiating & Influencing.
- Support from a member of the Programme Faculty to help progress work on the delivery of your project plan.
- Celebration Day to share project outcomes and acknowledge and celebrate success.
System Project
- Development of a real project in your system with a multidisciplinary team of local, likeminded individuals.
- Regional and system-based support groups, facilitated by a HEE Educator to help develop and deliver your service improvement project.
- Optional access to coaching from professionally qualified coaches.
Programme Dates: September 2024 - August 2025
Hours Of Work: 1 day per week
Working Day: Thursday
As a standard, the dedicated fellowship day will take place each Thursday, however a degree of flexibility will be required in order to accommodate specific module dates.
Taught Programme Timetable: (For current fellow only)
The taught element of the programme will be run by the Integrated Care Academy, which is hosted by the University of Suffolk.
In order to facilitate effective working, module dates have been grouped and will be split geographically by Integrated Care Systems.
Module 1 - The System, Leadership and You |
Module 2 - Building Effective Partnerships |
Module 3 - Leading for Outcomes |
Module 4 - Building an Integration Culture |
Celebration Day |
Group A |
4th & 5th October 2023 |
30th & 1st December 2023 |
7th & 14th March 2024 |
17th & 18th April 2024 |
20th June 2024 |
Group B |
28th & 29th September 2023 |
6th & 7th December 2023 |
1st & 8th February 2023 |
24th & 25th April 2024 |
20th June 2024 |
Action Learning Sets (ALS)
An Action Learning Set will take place after each taught module, with a final one taking place after the Celebration Event. Action Learning Sets bring together each team within the programme with the purpose of solving real workplace challenges. The main reason for ALS is to enable the team to develop a range of realistic solutions for these issues. The meetings can cover a wide range of problems being faced by the project team or can focus on a particular issue or set of similar issues. An ALS is useful as it gives the project team protected time to discuss the issues they are facing and learn from others.
- Dates TBC
Each ALS can manage up to 30 participants and will occur on the same dates for both groups.
Organisations will be provided a standard salary contribution back fill rate for the fellows in order to release them for 2 sessions a week for the duration of the programme:
- Post-CCT GP: £19,688.00
- Non-medics: £12,013.34
We appreciate that depending on the experience of the fellow this may leave organisations with a salary surplus / deficit, however we would encourage organisations to continue to pay fellows their existing salary.
The programme will benefit through the support of a number of different sponsors;
- Organisational Sponsor: When applying to the programme, applicants will be asked to provide details of a senior leader within their organisation (i.e. line manager or Practice Manager), who will be asked to provide a supporting statement to aid the application and approve the release from the organisation for all scheduled activity. Throughout the programme, the organisational sponsor will provide support to the applicant in achieving their personal development goals, as well as their work within the organisation and wider health system.
- System Sponsor: The System Sponsor will be a senior leader from within each system who will help to identify a number of system priorities. These priorities will help each trio shape their system project. Once each trio has determined their system project, the system sponsor will help to identify a specific project sponsor from within the system.
- Project Sponsor: During Module 1 of the programme, each multidisciplinary trio will determine their system project, which will be based on a real issue within the local system. At this point, a Project Sponsor will be identified from within the system to help support the trio in developing and implementing their project.
- You do not need to have either of these determined before joining the programme. These will be agreed within the first module of the programme.
- The project will align with a specific system priority for the geographical area that you work in. A range of system priorities will be provided by the system sponsor in each ICS.
- Although it may sound daunting to decide on a project with a newly formed group, this is part of the programme, and part of developing skills in leadership and networking. You will be fully supported throughout the process.
- We want this programme to be as beneficial to you as possible and therefore there will be flexibility in how you and your projects work.
- The programme will be a mixture of virtual and face-to-face.
- The taught modules will be delivered face to face, and the ALS virtually.
- We understand that the requirement to release staff for 2 sessions a week for the duration of the programme can be daunting.
- As well as being a fully funded programme inclusive of back-fill, the programme is a fantastic opportunity to develop leadership skills and influence long-term change within the practice and wider system.
- However, if release from practice cannot be accommodated, fellows could increase their current sessional commitment for the duration of the programme, so that they are completing the fellowship in addition to their current hours.
·The programme is currently coming to the end of its inaugural year in which 27 fellows took part in Cohort 1. Please read below their personal experiences on the programme, both as individuals and within their project groups.
"I'm an Advanced Clinical Practitioner working in a community hospital setting. The program has given me an insight into myself as a leader, understand different styles of leadership and given me confidence and experience in project management. I've learnt about how the NHS and the integrated care system is structured and the importance of, and how the different sectors work together. The project our group undertook encouraged us to collaborate with health, education, voluntary services, local council and charities. It was incredibly rewarding to work within our group and we are extremely proud of what we've achieved and what it could lead to in the future. This course can give you confidence, knowledge and a chance to develop yourself. I'm extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to undertake the course." Debbie Dyer, Advanced Clinical Practioner
"I have enjoyed the fellowship a lot. It has inspired me in my leadership role and has given me more insight into how Health services etc are run, funded, and maintained. It has given me a lot to think about in my career as a Practice Nurse. The sessions have not been only fun and thought provoking, but I have found a new "me" that I did not know existed. My introversion has found a new extrovert that I would never have believed I had." Elsie Botsio, Practice Nurse
We are a team of 2 ANPs and 2 GPS from the Peterborough and Norfolk area. We joined this fellowship because we felt we wanted to be involved in how the NHS is currently changing. We came together initially geographically but after having the time and space afforded with the fellowship,we bonded as a team because we all have passion for the project we are working on. We all have a similar work ethic and enjoy a challenge. Through the fellowship we have gained a greater understanding of integrated care systems and how to network with associated stakeholders involved in different work streams and projects. We have also been given the opportunity to evaluate our own scope of practice and where we would like to steer our career paths. We would thoroughly recommend the fellowship as not only have we become colleagues from this experience, but we have become friends as well." Project Group; two Advanced Nurse Practioners, two GP's
Project Group compromising of two GP's, one PA and one AHP. This project group focused on the promotion of the Frailty pathway and input into the creation of care co-ordination centre and frailty single point of access. Please see individual testimonials below: "The Integrated Care Fellowship has both challenged and equipped me to address frustrations within our system that we have accepted for far too long, and look for collaborative solutions around them. It has given me the confidence and ability to take on a new leadership role for now, with more ideas for the future!" Emma Day, Physician Associate "This fellowship has been a great learning experience that has improved so many aspects of my work life. It has improved my confidence with public speaking, leading teams and general teamwork skills. I now know a great deal about the NHS structure and how different clinical and managerial groups work together. This has undoubtedly helped me with my current role as a salaried GP and lead for learning disabilities at my current Practice. I know it will help with all my future endeavors too." Darren Zurawel, GP "I have been able to pull so much of my learning into my day-to-day role as a locality manager. I have now signed up to complete an AHP Senior Leadership Module and feel passionate about continuing work that improves and develops services." Eleanor Isaac, AHP "The fellowship helped me to look at things from a holistic perspective. I found it fascinating to learn about my own personal behavioral pattern and approach to conflict. I feel more confident in chairing a meeting and learnt how to make it productive. It has equipped me with the skills to be more resilient and be an agent of change. I am sure this will help me a lot in my future role as a GP Partner which I am starting in a few months." Gautham Raja, GP. |