Simulation based medical education is an important part of your anaesthetic training in the School and a number of programmes are available throughout your training programme.
Stage 1 - CT1-3 and ACCS(Anaesthetics)2-4
You are expected to attend five programmes in your CT1-3 and ACCS2-4 years:
Novice Introduction to Anaesthesia programme:
A structured introduction to anaesthesia which provides valuable preparation for clinical practice, the initial assessment of competence, and for on calls. At the start of your anaesthetic attachment (not your ICM attachment) in your CT1 / ACCS2 year. ACCS AM and EM trainees also attend during their 6 month anaesthetic attachment.
The Novice programme lecture days are hosted by three centres across the region - Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) in Chelmsford, Lister Hospital Education Centre, and Norfolk and Norwich / Bury St Edmunds. The Novice programme simulation days are hosted by ARU, Lister, West Hertfordshire Hospital and West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust.
Anaesthetic Critical Incident simulation:
Towards the end of your CT1 / ACCS2 (Anaesthetics) year you will attend a day of Anaesthetic Critical Incident simulation. This is mapped to the critical incident learning outcomes of the RCoA Curriculum, which states that simulation may be the only way for trainees to safely experience rare but serious critical incidents. The programme is run at two centres – Anaesthetic Crisis Resource Management (ACRM) at Addenbrooke’s Simulation Centre in Cambridge, and Anaesthetic Critical Incidents (ACI) at Anglia Ruskin University in Chelmsford. You will be allocated your date in advance.
Basic Obstetric Anaesthetic simulation:
In the first part of your second year of anaesthesia you will attend a day of Basic Obstetric Anaesthetic simulation. This is mapped to the obstetric competencies of the RCoA Curriculum and is designed to help with the management of common clinical scenarios and anaesthetic emergencies on labour ward that you may experience when you start your obstetric anaesthesia placements. The programme is run at two centres – Obstetric Crisis Resource Management (OCRM) at Addenbrooke’s Simulation Centre in Cambridge, and Obstetric Basics – Simulation for Anaesthetic Core Trainees (Obs+Act!) at Anglia Ruskin University in Chelmsford. You will be allocated your date in advance.
Transfer Simulation:
Covering the principles of intra- and interhospital transfer of critically ill patients. Depending on centre, the day may be multiprofessional with ODPs and ITU nurses as co-delegates. Funded places are available on the Transfer in Medicine Course at Addenbrooke’s Simulation Centre, Simulated Transfer And Retrieval Training (START) at Anglia Ruskin University in Chelmsford, the Lister Transfer Course at Lister Hospital and the Southend Transfer Training at Southend Hospital.
Paediatric simulation:
Maps to the paediatric competencies of the RCoA Curriculum and is designed to help with the management of common clinical scenarios and anaesthetic emergencies in paediatric patients. Depending on centre, the day may be multiprofessional with ODPs and paediatric doctors / nurses as co-delegates. Paediatric simulation is available at Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital, West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust and SCAMPS (Sick Children Acute Multiprofessional Simulation) at Anglia Ruskin University in Chelmsford
Stage 2 - ST4-5
Neuroanaesthesia simulation:
Provided by Addenbrooke’s Simulation Centre during your neuroanaesthesia attachment in Cambridge.
Airway Simulation:
Includes advanced airway management techniques, difficult airway management algorithms and human factors. Depending on centre, the day may be multiprofessional with ODPs as co-delegates. Funded places are available on Cambridge Airway Training at Addenbrooke’s Simulation Centre, Eastern Airway Skills Training (EAST) at Anglia Ruskin University in Chelmsford, and the Lister Airway Course at Lister Hospital. A limited number of fully funded places are available for ST4-5 anaesthetists and ICM trainees. Details will be e-mailed to eligible trainees in advance. Registration is on a first come first served basis.
Tracheostomy simulation:
Specifically focussed on tracheostomy management and human factors. Depending on centre, the day may be multiprofessional with ODPs as co-delegates. Funded places are available at Lister Hospital’s Tracheostomy Simulation Course and Trache-TIPS (Tracheostomy Training and Interprofessional Simulation) at Anglia Ruskin University in Chelmsford. A limited number of fully funded places are available for ST4-5 anaesthetists and ICM trainees. Details will be e-mailed to eligible trainees in advance. Registration is on a first come first served basis.
Any time in training
RESTART – Return to Anaesthesia Simulation course:
Tailored specifically for anaesthetic doctors who have achieved their initial assessment of clinical competencies and are returning to clinical practice following a period away from anaesthesia – for example trainees returning from maternity leave, long term sickness, or a career break. Funded by the HEE EoE Supported Return to Training (SuppoRTT) programme. Runs twice a year (spring and autumn), alternating between Addenbrooke’s Simulation Centre and Anglia Ruskin University in Chelmsford.
Other courses
There are a wide range of other simulation courses available at different centres across the region.
There are also many opportunities to develop educational skills by becoming Faculty on educational programmes.
Finally, and importantly, there are only two occasions when simulation is used for assessment in your anaesthetic career – at the Initial Assessment of Competency and in the Primary FRCA OSCE. All the simulation programmes provided within the School are for education, not assessment.
Dr Hasanthi Gooneratne
Consultant Anaesthetist Colchester Hospital
HEE EoE School of Anaesthesia Training Programme Director for Education
July 2023