Workforce, training and education
East of England

Intensive care medicine (ICM) Training in the region

Welcome to the East of England Intensive Care Training website. The region has a strong history of training in ICM and we continue to expand our clinical and academic training each year. This website is run by trainees and trainers in the region and is designed to act a central hub from which to access information and links to training information around the region.
The region has around 40 CCT trainees in ICM plus a large number of trainees working in our units come from core training and other specialties. We are part of the Eastern Deanery (also known as Health Education East of England) and the region is actively involved with the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine. The East of England has a well established ICM training scheme. Our doctors work in our regional ICUs as part of their Foundation, Core or specialist training. In addition to doctors from outside ICM we also offer a regional specialist training scheme leading to a CCT in ICM. The ICM CCT scheme can be undertaken either as a single CCT or Dual CCT with one of the recognised partner specialties.

Details of the training scheme are updated on the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine (FICM) website.


This page is currently in the process of being updated. For any questions relating to ICM training, please contact the ICM TPD Dr Natasha Lawrence.


Associated Links

Click the following links to find out more:

Cambridge Critical Care Education Group (CCCEG)
JVF ICU - Cambridge General ICU
NCCU - Neuro Critical Care 
​Papworth - Cardiothoracic Centre

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