General Advice for Training While in Practice
- At the start of, and during, their attachment, the registrar may sit in with their trainer and other members of the practice. The aim of this period is to:
a)become familiarised with the working of the practice;
b)observe the trainer’s and other partner’s methods of working;
c) be introduced to patients.
- It is also useful to observe other members of the practice team at work – e.g. district nurse, health visitors, receptionists etc.
- When first working on their own, the GPStR’s consultation rate should be slow. However, towards the end of the placements they should be working under the normal pressures of a principal in that practice.
- An exchange of GPStR’s in practice may be useful so that they can appreciate the different ways that practices are run.
- The registrar is expected to do a project within the practice. For example, a study of repeat prescriptions or an audit of how certain well defined diseases such as diabetes or hypertension are managed.
- It is instructive for the trainer either to sit in while a registrar is consulting or to video tape that surgery and offer some constructive criticism after the surgery finishes.