The recent Health service reforms have put General Practice into the centre stage and have
created great opportunities for General Practitioners to influence health care. A career in
general practice will interest those doctors who wish to have a varied professional life and to
practice a high standard of medicine on a variety of conditions, not only clinical, but also
psychological and social.
It also gives an opportunity to look after complete families over a considerable span of time
and also to gain an intimate knowledge of them. General Practice over the last few years has
become more flexible and will suit those doctors who not only wish to work full time in
practice, but those who wish to work part time devoting some of their time to raising a
family, hospital work, teaching or research. All these factors enhance the job satisfaction of
General Practice as a specialty. The Broadlands General Practice Specialty Training
Programme started life as Broadlands VTS in 1972, it now part of the Norfolk GP Programme which consists of Broadland (Gt Yarmouth),
Norwich and Kings Lynn. Fifty Eight registrars are appointed each year to the Norfolk Programme.
Eighteen months is spent in Hospital placements, the hospital locations are James Paget Hospital Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk and Norwich Hospital Norwich or Queen Elizabeth Hospital Kings Lynn
All the departments have a teaching plan tailored to the needs of the registrars and regular
two way assessment takes place in all the posts. The General Practice period is spent in one
of the norfolk practices, Broadland locality have twelve training practices. All these practices have a high commitment to the training scheme and to post-graduate education. The study half day release takes place on a Wednesday afternoon with breaks for Easter, summer and Christmas. It is attended by all registrars working in this locality whether in their hospital or general practice period. The programme consists of topics related to general practice which are often prepared by the registrar, discussions with hospital specialists and paramedical staff and other activities designed to obtain the maximum amount of learning.
We hope that registrars will give their maximum enthusiasm to the programme and their training.
By the end of their three years, all registrars will have had a chance to develop their skills,
knowledge and attitudes to enter general practice with confidence. We pride ourselves on
running a happy scheme and often have social events to enhance the cohesiveness of the
group - these may involve dinners, barbecues, sailing and canoeing!