Workforce, training and education
East of England

The East of England (EOE) Multi-Professional Deanery is responsible for overseeing the organisation and delivery of postgraduate medical training within the Region. The Deanery has created Postgraduate Schools in order to perform this task, for which each specialty has a Head of School (HoS). The members of the Postgraduate School of Ophthalmology Board are listed elsewhere.

The Board meet twice a year and discuss the training programme, trainee rotations and issues associated with the future development of training within the region. The PGS of Ophthalmology performs its own Trainee Survey and its findings are discussed at this meeting. The training programme itself and the trainee’s rotations are organised by the Training Programme Director (TPD), along with the assistance of the Senior Deanery Manager and administrators within the Deanery. This team will co-ordinate the recruitment of trainees to the program, maintain a trainee file for each of the trainees and organise the annual assessments (Annual Review of Competency Progression [ARCP]). In the EOE Deanery, the main Ophthalmology ARCP takes place in June, with a mid-term sitting in November.

The TPD devises trainee rotations such that each individual trainee has the opportunity to gain a broad experience in all aspects of Ophthalmology, not only in peripheral units, but also in the two major teaching hospitals within the region. The delivery of training at a local (individual unit) level is co-ordinated by Specialty Tutors, one based in each training unit and their details are listed elsewhere. The Specialty Tutors meet the HoS, TPD and Senior Deanery Staff twice a year at the Regional Training Committee (RTC). During this meeting, the progress of all trainees within the region are discussed, along with dissemination of information from the PGS of Ophthalmology Board Meetings.

The Specialty Tutors feedback information from the RTC to individual units, in particular the Educational Supervisors (ES) for the trainees. In small units, the Specialty Tutor may also be the ES. The ES is responsible for the overall supervision of a trainee within a unit, including their induction, their weekly timetable, their initial and mid-term appraisals, as well regular meetings to assess their progress both clinically and with their e-portfolio. The day to day delivery of teaching and training is provided by Clinical Supervisors, who provide reports to the ES on the trainee’s clinical progress prior to the ARCP.