Workforce, training and education
East of England
Additional Regional Training Days


We also run additional training days in the region, beyond the Core Program. 

Trainees can use some of their remaining 20 days of study leave to attend these. 

They cover Simulation, Exam Preparation, Research, Professional Development and Induction.        


Bury Meeting - Mar 16th 2018 Apex Centre, Bury St.Edmunds

East of England Ophthalmology Regional Study Day

Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital

Organised by Shohista Saidkasimova

Apex Bury St Edmunds

Friday 16 March 2018

9.00                Registration

9.25                Introduction              

9.30                Prof David Broadway                      EPIC: glaucoma and numbers

10.00              Tom Eke                                            How to treat patients who can’t position

10.30             Shohista Saidkasimova                 Postoperative cystoid macular oedema

11.00             Coffee break

11.30              Narman Puvanachandra               Cognitive Processes in diagnosis & training

12.00             David Spokes                                   Update on treatment of bacterial keratitis                                           

12.30             East Anglian Consultants meeting

12.30              Andrew Glenn                                  Retinal Case presentation for trainees

13.00              Lunch

13.45              Prof Sarah Coupland                      Update on the diagnostics of ocular lymphoma

14.30              Heinrich Heimann                           Clinical aspects of intraocular biopsies            

15.15             Chetan Muhktyar                              Rheumatology updates on GCA

EXAM : Part 2 Course - Mar 23rd 2018 West Suffolk Hospital

Organised by Usman Hussain

SIM : Cataract Complications Apr 20th 2018 James Paget


Postgraduate Education & Training Centre

Course Faculty:

Mr Tom Butler, Consultant Ophthalmologist, JPUH &

Mr Craig Goldsmith, Consultant Ophthalmologist, JPUH

Mr Daniel Pharoah, Consultant Ophthalmologist, JPUH

09.00 Registration and coffee

09.15 Vitreous loss: How to avoid it

09.45 Vitreous loss: How to manage it

10.30 Coffee

10.45 Group 1 - Wet lab

Group 2 - Video session

13.15 Lunch

14.00 Group 1 - Video session

Group 2 - Wet lab

16.30 Summary & discussion

17.00 Close


Please email application form to :

I would like to attend the Managing Complications in Cataract Surgery Course on Friday 20

April 2018

Invoice Address – Please complete below:-



Tel/Mobile No……………………………………….. e-mail……………………………………………………………

Current hospital………………………………………. Trainee/Specialty Doctor/Fellow……………………………

Dietary Requirements…………………………………………………

No Refund if cancellation is less than 28 days prior to the event. No refund will be made for non‐attendance.

Managing Complications in Cataract Surgery

Friday 20 April 2018 - Course Fee £100.00

SIM : East Anglian Orbit & Lacrimal Surgery - Wed 20th June 18 UEA, Norwich

The 4th East Anglian Sinus, Orbit and Skull Base Surgery Course

19th June - 21st June 2018, University of East Anglia, Norwich


Featuring a high faculty to delegate ratio the course will comprise of hands on cadaveric dissection, live surgery demonstration (including image guided sinus surgery, balloon sinuplasty and sinus lavage in the outpatient clinic), lectures and panel discussions on controversies and emerging therapies in the management of sinonasal disease and skull base lesions including CSF leaks and tumours. The course will include a dedicated session on the orbit including DCR, orbital decompression and orbital complications of ESS with expert ophthalmologists from the parallel eye course. The emphasis will be on current strategies regarding optimum medical and surgical management of sinonasal disease. The course is aimed at senior SpRs, Consultants and other specialist wishing to improve their skills and knowledge in this area. A course dinner is included in the cost.

Completion of this course is worth 24 CPD points.


Course fee of £1000 (or £500 for an Observer place)

Fee includes course dinner.

For further information please contact us on 01603 597199 or email

To book online, visit the UEA Store


Course Directors: Prof Carl Philpott and Mrs Bridget Hemmant

Local Faculy:  Pieter Bothma, David McKiernan, James Tysome, Neil Donnelly, Andrew Wilson, Paddy Wilson, Bijan Beigi

Invited Faculty: Prof Amin Javer (Vancouver), Prof Anshul Sama (Nottingham), Paul White (Dundee), Sankalp Sunkaraneni (Guildford), Iain Hathorn (Edinburgh), Irfan Syed (Lewisham), Abbad Toma (St George’s London), Martyn Barnes (Southend)

PROFESSIONAL : Development Day - June 22nd 2018 HEEoE, Fulbourn

Organised by Harry RobertsNarman Puvanachandra & Anthony Vivian

Agenda to be finalised but half day seminar and half day of talks. Trainees will be having ARCP on the same day and will rejoin the seminar after their ARCP

Venue : HEEoE, Fulbourn

Bury Regional Meeting - June 29th 2018 Apex Centre, Bury St Edmunds

Hosted by North West Anglia Foundation Trust @         APEX centre bury St Edmunds






John Dart

Update on Microbial Keratitis


Parul Desai

Epidemiology and the Eye


Coffee break


Liam Sullivan

Update on AMD


Mrinal Rana

DMEK vs Micro-thin DSAEK- Interim results


East Anglian Consultants meeting


Linda McInerney

Trainee teaching




Carlos Pavesio

Uveitis and Ozurdex – A Moorfields experience


Lydia Chang



Dan Hornan

A Vitreoretinal approach to diabetes




Please make any enquiries to:

SIMULATION : Trabeculectomy Course - July 6th 2018 James Paget Hospital

Organised by Avinash Prabhu,  James Paget Hospital, Great Yarmouth

This course is for a limited number of 8 trainees. The rest of the trainees will attend an Oculoplastics Study Day at the NNUH which will also have a component of simulation training.



INDUCTION : Norwich Regional Induction Course - 6-10th Aug 2018 NNUH

Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital – Regional East of England

ST1 Ophthalmology Induction Week

Dates – 6-9th August 2018

Organiser - Narman Puvanachandra

Location - Bob Champion Building , Room 7

Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital, Colney Lane, NR4 7UY

Provisional Timetable

Monday 6th August – AM session : Intro and Pupil / Slit lamp Workshop

Location – Room 7, Bob Champion Building

09:00 – Registration

09:30 – Intro Talk                                       Narman Puvanachandra / Harry Roberts

  • Rotation
  • Exams
  • Simulation training
  • Study Leave
  • Regional Teaching Program
  • Regional Research / Audit / Case Presentation Day
  • PEARL score
  • Buddy System
  • TSC
  • ARCP

10:00 – Pupils talk and practical assessment                    Narman Puvanachandra

10:30 – Tea Break : Room 7 Bob Champion Building      

11:00 – Slit lamp skills (eye clinic)                                   Narman, Harry, Trainee 1

12:30 – Lunch and presentation at Bob Champion          Deborah Pittam (Thea)                                                                   

Monday 6th August – PM Session : Glaucoma Workshop

Location – Talk at Room 7 Bob Champion then moving to Eye clinic

13:30 – Glaucoma Talk                                                         Nuwan Niyadurupola

14:30 – Glaucoma Clinic Workshop            (Eye clinic)        Nuwan Niyadurupola

                                                                                              David Broadway

                                                                                              Trainee 1

15:15 – Tea Break: Eye clinic

Tuesday 7th August – AM Session : Retinal Workshop 

Location : Eye Clinic NNUH Room 14/15

09:00  Pathogenesis of fundus lesions                                  Andrew Glenn

09:20  Fundal Fluorescein Angiography (FFA)                      Aseema Misra

09:40  Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)                       Aseema Misra

10.00  Age related Macula Degeneration  (AMD)                   Aseema Misra

10:30  Tea Break in Eye clinic

11:00  Diabetic Retinopathy                                                    Andrew Glenn

11:20  Retinal Vein Occlusion                                                 Andrew Glenn

11:40  Cases Quiz                                                                   Aseema & Andrew

12:30 Lunch & presentation (Bob Champion)   Natasha Lalla-Maharajh (Allergan)     

Tuesday 7th August – PM Session : Eye Casualty Workshop

Location : Room 7, Bob Champion

13:30  Talk on History & Examination in Eye Casualty            Anas Injarie

14:00 Interactive Cases – Group discussions                          Anas Injarie

                                                                                                 Chandra Rai

                                                                                                 Nima Ghadiri

15:00 Tea Break 15:00-15:30

16:15 Picture Quiz                                                                    Anas / Chandra

Wednesday 8th August – AM Session : Cataract Workshop

Location : Talk in Room 7 Bob Champion then moving to Nelson Eye Unit

08:30 Cataract talk (Room 7 Bob Champion Building)             Elena Novitskya

  • Doctor’s preoperative assessment
  • Refractive Discussion
  • Nurses’ preoperative assessment
  • Biometry & Lens Choice
  • Consent

09:30 Cataract patient clinic  (Nelson Day Ward)                     Narman Puvanachandra

                                                                                                  Shohista Saidkasimova

                                                                                                  Anas Injarie

                                                                                                  Elena Novitskya

10:30-11:00 Tea Break in Nelson Day Ward

12:30 Lunch (Bob Champion)                                                 Anthony John (Farmigea)

Wednesday 8th August - PM Session : Clinic Steeplechase

Location : Eye Clinic

13:30 Explanation of Steeplechase to trainers and trainees

14:00 Start Steeplechase in Eye clinic in Groups of 2-3


Station 1

Station 2

Station 3

Station 4

Station 5


Group 1


Group 4

Group 3

Group 2


Group 2

Group 1


Group 4

Group 3


Group 3

Group 2

Group 1


Group 4


Group 4

Group 3

Group 2

Group 1




Group 4

Group 3

Group 2

Group 1

Station 1 : Indirect Ophthalmoscopy                                   Shohista Saidkasimova

Station 2 : Squint Assessment                                             Narman Puvanachandra


Station 3 : Visual Fields to Confrontation                             ?Trainee 1

                   Tonopen / i-Care Tonometry                              ?Trainee 2


Station 4 : Humphrey Visual Field Test                                 ?Rachel Emberson

Station 5 : Autorefraction, Focimetry and Topography          ?HCA’s

Thursday 9th August – AM session : Wetlab Skills Workshop

Location : Wetlab, NANIME, East Atrium Education Centre, N&N

09:30 Basic Suturing Skills                                                     David Spokes

                                                                                                Anthony Vivian

                                                                                                ?Trainee 2


10:30-11:00 Tea Break (in East Atrium)

12:30 Lunch & Presentation           (Bob Champion)              Craig Atlas (Zeiss)

Thursday 9th August – PM Session : Oculoplastics Workshop

13:30 Basic Oculoplastic Examination / Cases                      Bijan Beigi

            (Bob Champion Building Room 7)

14:30  Examination of Patients in Clinic                                 Bijan Beigi

                                                                                                Chandra Rai

                                                                                                Trainee 1

15:00-15:30 Tea Break (in clinic)

16:30  Finish of session

Cambridge Ophthalmology Symposium - Sept 6-7th 2018 St.John's College


Contact : Louise Richards 

As you can see East of England trainees get an amazing discount for this international conference. Make sure you book early!

Flyer and provisional agenda below : 



SIMULATION : Trauma Course - Sept 20th 2018 Ipswich


Trauma Simulation Training Day            September 20th 2018

Organised by Deepak Vayalambrone,      Consultant      Ipswich Hospital

​Faculty            Ramy Bassily                      Consultant     Ipswich Hospital

                        Rachna Murthy                   Consultant     Ipswich Hospital

                        Inderraj Hanspal                 Consultant     West Suffolk Hospital

                       Richard Goble                     Consultant      Ipswich Hospital


Morning session- talks and videos

Management of corneal trauma

Ramy Bassily

30 min

Management of globe rupture

Deepak Vayalambrone

30 min

Vitreous haemorrhage, IOFB, retinal dialysis

Richard Goble

30 min




Medicolegal aspects of trauma


30 min

Investigating ocular trauma


30 min

Lid and orbital trauma

Rachna Murthy

30 min




Enucleation/ evisceration


30 min

Trauma and IOP

? Inderraj Hanspal

30 min

Miscellaneous topics

Traumatic endophthalmitis

Blowout fractures


30 min



Afternoon session – practical skills


Corneal glue/ suturing- All trainers- Ramy Bassily to lead.


Lid trauma including canalicular repair- All trainers- Rachna Murthy to lead.


Simulated case scenarios for decision making- panel discussion

Laser Simulation Course - Sept 27th 2018 Peterborough Hospital

Organised by Liam Sullivan, Peterborough Hospital

Typical Agenda

945 Registration + Coffee

1000 PRP

1015 Macula Laser

1030 Yag PI

1045 Yag capsulotomy


1130 Simulated Yag Laser / Indirect laser

1145 Indirect laser / Simulated Yag Laser

1200 Cyclodiode

1215 LUNCH

Afternoon - Simulation stations

Simulated Cyclodiode

Simulated Indirect PRP

Simulated PRP / Macula Laser

Part 2 Course - Sept 28th 2018 West Suffolk Hospital, Bury St.Edmunds

Organised by Usman Hussain

Regional Governance & Research Meeting - Oct 5th 2018 Apex, Bury St.Edmunds

Clinical Governance Morning Session - Organised by Nitin Gupta

Ophthalmology Clinical Research Skills afternoon - Organised by Rupert Bourne

Agenda for the Clinical Research Skills afternoon is here.


PROFESSIONAL : Senior Trainee Development Workshop - Oct 10th 2018 Luton

Please contact :  Mala Subash




Senior Trainee Development Day Agenda

10th October, COMET, Luton and Dunstable Hospital

Morning Session of 2 workshops delivered by Advance+, a training and development program organised and funded by Novartis Pharmaceuticals.

9.00am       Mastering Service Re- Design: Practical Tools and Tips.

11.00am     Leading Change

13.00         Lunch

14.00         First year as a Consultant

                  Mr. Jason Chan, Consultant Ophthalmologist

14.30         How to get you dream Consultant Post

                  Mr. Allon Barsam, Consultant Ophthalmologist

15.00         Supervising and supporting your trainees

                  Mr. Andrew Waldock, Consultant Ophthalmologist

15.30         Reflection from Serious Incidents

                  Dr. Nisha Nathwani, Consultant Paediatrician and      Director of Medical Education

16.15         Discussion, feedback and meeting close.      

Cadaveric Strabismus & Oculoplastics Course - Nov 16th 2018 Addenbrookes

Link for Registration


16 NOVEMBER 2018


We would like to invite you to the second Cambridge Basic Strabismus & Oculoplastic Surgery Course aimed at ophthalmology trainees ranging from ST1 to ST7. This all day course will address the practical aspects of strabismus and oculoplastic surgery. It includes a brief lectures on basic anatomy and surgical techniques followed by a practical session in our state of the art cadaveric lab. As this is our THIRD course, there is a small fee of £50. The fee will go towards subsidising the refraction course later in the year as well as towards suture material.

We have 16 places available. Please be aware that for those who require 8 weeks’ notice to apply for study leave, the date of the course was circulated by Mr Purvanachandra a few weeks ago.

  • The course will begin at 9 am and finish at 430 pm. Lunch is not provided.
  • The morning will consist of strabismus and afternoon oculoplastics;
  • We will cover basic strabismus surgery principles and can cater for the needs of more senior trainees is smaller groups.
  • Mr Simon Woodruff’s team will address the lateral canthotomy procedure and aspects of lid repair in the afternoon

Please meet at the reception in the Cambridge Eye Unit; we will be leaving for the lab from there at 845 sharp. You will find it difficult to access the lab if you arrive late.

Refraction Course Nov 22,29th, Dec 6th 2018 - Anglia Ruskin, Cambridge

Register with Neil Guest 



Bury Regional Meeting - Dec 7th 2018 Apex Centre, Bury St.Edmunds


The Apex Centre Bury St Edmunds

Hosted by Moorfields Eye Clinic at Bedford.


09:00   Registration

09.25   Introduction

09.30   Advances in glaucoma genetics understanding offer hope for personalised care.

Invited speaker: Anthony Khawaja, Lecturer and Glaucoma Consultant at Moorfields

10.15   Improving efficiency in glaucoma service delivery.

Andrew Scott, Glaucoma Consultant, Moorfields

10.45   Coffee break

11.00   OCT in children and amblyopia research.

Annegret Dahlmann-Noor, Paediatric Ophthalmology Consultant and Research Lead, Moorfields

11.45   Current trials in medical retina.

Simona Esposti, Medical Retina Consultant & clinical trials, Moorfields

12.15   East Anglia Consultants Meeting & Trainee Meeting.

12.45   Lunch

13.45   Glaucoma case-finding: are we using resources wisely?

Panagiota Founti, Glaucoma Consultant, Moorfields

14.15   Electronic Patient Records in Ophthalmology.

Invited speaker: Chris Canning, Chief Clinical Information Officer, Moorfields

14.30   Implementing AI and creating a smart hospital.

Peter Thomas, Director of Digital Innovation, Moorfields

15.00   Close

To register please email

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Sunday, 25 November, 2018