The Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (NNUHNFT) is a 1,200 bed teaching hospital with state-of-the-art facilities which provides care to a population of approximately 825,000 from Norfolk, neighbouring counties and further afield. We treat over 90,000 inpatients and nearly 700,000 outpatients p.a.
We have a full range of more specialist services excluding transplantation and Cardiac & Neuro-Surgery. We work closely with the University of East Anglia’s Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences to train health professionals and there is an active clinical research unit.
Postgraduate Education is managed by the Norfolk and Norwich Institute for Medical Education (NANIME) and targets the advancement and promotion of dental and medical education.
Our team is committed to contributing to high quality patient care by helping to train a highly skilled and motivated medical workforce.
We recruit 91 Foundation Trainees per year at NNUHNFT and Foundation Trainees are encouraged to proactively engage with their education and training. The formal teaching programme is discussed and approved from a sub-committee – the Foundation Academic Training Programme Innovation Group – with representation from FY1 and FY2 trainees. This committee has approved changes to the teaching schedule and content. Through this committee, we have expanded SCRIPT training and introduced (re-introduced) formal clinical presentations by trainees. We have obtained funding to enhance SIM training in the 2017/2018 academic year and trainees will be involved in the development of this programme.
Formal Faculty meetings are held each semester (a virtual meeting in the Spring term) : FY1 and FY2 representation is an agendum item. Semi-formal meetings are also held each semester between FY1 and FY2 representatives and the Medical Director: these meetings are an opportunity for direct access to senior management.
We have a vigorous ‘Taster Week’ programme. This has included Out-Of-Trust and Out-of-UK opportunities and has also permitted exposure to management experience.
Foundation trainees have contributed to the training programme through PfPP week and the ‘Asked to See Patient’ project. However, they have also initiated and developed activities and projects autonomously. These include the development of an FY1 handbook which provides advice for a practical and succinct specialty-orientated handover to facilitate FY1 transition into jobs at the Trust.
The NNUHNFT is research-focused with particular excellence in chronic diseases (particularly oncology, gastroenterology, diabetes and musculo-skeletal conditions), paediatrics, older peoples’ medicine, platform technologies relating to radiology and advanced imaging, and microbiology. NNUHNFT is part of the Norwich Research Park which has an international reputation for research in plant and microbial sciences, interdisciplinary environmental sciences, and food, diet and health.
The fabulous North Norfolk coast is rightly lauded as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The Brecks and Thetford Forest are unique landscapes with dense Scots pines and heath.
There are numerous outdoor activities, a fantastic variety of family theme-parks and attractions, historical sights, and some of the country's best fresh, seasonal produce.