Workforce, training and education
East of England

Careers Support

Choosing the right specialty training is a critical decision that all junior doctors face each year. Good career decisions can be best achieved by following a structured approach.

The PSW have access to high level 1:1 career advice and the service is offered to trainees who are considering a change of specialty or leaving medicine. The advice given supports the trainee in making their next career decisions.

Additional resources

The Health Carers Website is a valuable resource to help you with this and we would encourage you to explore it. The site includes a UK calendar of Health Careers Fairs and information about various positions, specialties and what to expect from them. The site can be accessed by the following link

In addition, your Educational Supervisor will also be able to help and it is very important to review your career plans with them during supervision meetings.

Careers information about individual specialties can be obtained from the pages on this site and from the Trust's specialty College Tutor. Should you require additional support or guidance in an area that lies outside the above, please contact