Workforce, training and education
East of England

Teaching Practices 

GPStR’s must be fully registered with the GMC before they start a general practice attachment in order to be eligible to receive a salary. 

Urgent and Unscheduled Care (UUC)

GPStR’s are currently expected to:-

  • ST1/2 trainees are required to undertake 4 hours per month (pro-rata) of observational/direct supervision sessions within traditional out of hours settings. This is in response to differing interpretation within the region and will standardise what our trainees are doing with the other deaneries.
  • As an ST1/2 trainee you may undertake near supervision sessions, provided the OOH clinical supervisor has assessed that this is appropriate for you. They do not need to hear this confirmation from the educational supervisor.
  • You should receive time off in lieu within 2 weeks of working any direct/near/remote supervision sessions in OOH, but any observational sessions should come from protected learning time during the normal working week as these are considered educational.
  • ST3 trainees are required to undertake 4 hours per month (pro-rata) within traditional out of hours settings. The aim should be to work near/remote sessions as these will best demonstrate capability, but direct supervision sessions also count towards the total.
  • Trainees can undertake sessions in extended access hubs, but as it is rare that patient contacts are either urgent or unscheduled this will not count against the minimum number of hours expected.
  • UUC capability should be viewed as an ongoing developmental need until CCT, akin to the other professional competences and as such attendance in OOH should be spread throughout training. 

Choosing your Practice 

There are currently 12  training practices in the Gt Yarmouth and Lowestoft area and 1 Associate Training Practices. The practices offer a range of experiences and styles, GPStR’s will be guided on making the most appropriate choice of practice for their training needs. 

Study Leave 

GPStR’s get a study leave allowance of 30 days each year (of which the half day release forms part) and are encouraged to use this to their full benefit. 

Teaching within the practices 

This will consist of:

  1. Case analysis and discussion
  2. Tutorials by way of;
    1. Cases selected by either doctor;
    2. Random case analysis;
    3. Analysis of components of daily working e.g. referrals, record keeping, Prescribing habits;
    4. Analysis of performance of trainer and registrar by one doctor sitting in on the surgery sessions of the other on a regular basis.

    Video equipment is available in all the training practices and from the postgraduate centre. These aids are particularly useful for studying the Doctor patient relationship and clinical performance in order to develop 
    skills and confidence in general practice consultations.

  3. Attendance at practice educational and business meetings
  4. Direction to specific problems and patient e.g. Management of chronic disease, problem families, terminal care
  5. Discussing various topics e.g. accounts, practice agreements, practice management, audit etc
  6. Defining specialist needs, e.g. attendance at outpatient clinics, i.e. Dermatology, Ophthalmology, ENT, Venereology etc.
  7. Visits to other people concerned with the care of the community which may include a chemist, social worker, district nurse, health visitor, health authority, Magistrates Court etc.
Bradwell - Millwood Surgery

Millwood Surgery




Dr Lisa Jackson, Dr Hannah Innes & Dr Ardyn Ross


The Millwood Partnership is based to the South of Great Yarmouth covering the areas of Bradwell, Gorleston and the area to the South.  The Partnership operates from two sites. The main site is Millwood Surgery and the branch site is Falkland Surgery. The practice uses Systm One clinical system and looks after 19000 patients. Millwood Surgery is a modern, purpose built building which is easily accessible with plentiful parking. The practice is also equipped with all you might expect with a modern surgery including video facilities, library and a state of the art meeting room.


Our clinical team consists of 10 doctors, 6 male partners with 3 female partners and 1 male salaried GP. We also have 3 Nurse Practitioners, 2 ECPs, Practice Nurses and HCAs who run many clinics for chronic disease and other medical services. Community and nursing staff attached to the practice include a community matron, district nurses, health visitors, midwives, physio, smoking cessation and integrated care co-ordinators.The clinicians are well supported by a full complement of management and administration staff that help to run the practice professionally and efficiently.


We have two Full Trainers and two Associate Trainers in the practice and we are a teaching practice for three cohorts of medical students from the UEA in Norwich. The trainees have a dedicated well-equipped consulting room and all the doctors are committed to support the trainee and make their time with us both enjoyable and educational. 

Please visit our website:  
Millwood Surgery, Mill Lane, Bradwell, 
Great Yarmouth NR31 8HS 
Telephone: 01493 661549 Fax: 01493 440187 

Gorleston - Gorleston Medical Centre

Gorleston Medical Centre


Gorleston Medical Centre & Hopton Surgery.

  Dr Sunder Gopaul 

We are a practice of over 7600 patients, served by 3 full time partners and one salaried GP. Our main surgery, which is located in Gorleston near the James Paget University Hospital, is a bright and modern purpose built Health Centre known as the Shrublands Health Centre. This is also home to East Coast Health Community Services which consists of District Nursing Team, Out of Hospital Team, Physiotherapists, incontinence nurses, Speech and Language and Podiatry. We also have the Swift Night Owls on site together with Social Services. This enables us to provide fully integrated care for our patients with regular MDT meetings. Our branch surgery is also a purpose built Health Centre situated in the holiday village of Hopton-on-Sea approximately 3 miles from our main surgery. Both surgeries have ample parking available. 

We have a range of administrative, nursing and attached staff as part of our team. We also host a Wellbeing mental health practitioner, Midwives, Drug and Alcohol Misuse Worker, Diabetic Nurse Specialist, health trainer and Carer Support Worker who all hold clinics at our main surgery. Several of the partners also have other clinical interests including mental health, minor surgery, diabetes care, and women and children’s health. We undertake child health surveillance and have regular clinics for asthma, diabetes and hypertension. Our equipment includes ECGs, Spirometers and Doppler’s at both surgeries. Cryotherapy facilities are available for minor operations and we also hold minor operations clinics. The practice uses the SystmOne computer system and we are aiming for a paper light policy for patient’s records and administration. We are a GMS Site and are currently developing extended roles for our HCA and a Nurse led patient triage service. We are involved in a range of activities with the local GP community contributing to prescribing initiatives and clinical leads meetings. Two of the partners are QOF Assessors and GP Appraisers. One partner is the Mental Health clinical lead for the CCG Lead and Substance Misuse Shared Care GP. Another partner is a Palliative Care Clinical Lead. We are represented on the Prescribing and Clinical Governance Committees for the CCG. 

We have a strong culture of education and training. We teach women’s health, paediatrics and mental health to 4th year Medical Students from the UEA. In addition we host the students for medical audit running an annual competition with prizes. We train foundation year 2 doctors in addition to GP registrars. We also facilitate work experience for the local sixth form college, train reception apprentices and run sessions at the local high school. Two of the partners are Honorary Senior lecturers at the UEA.

In the summer we treat a number of temporary residents (TRs) in our Hopton surgery since we are located close to Holiday Camps. 

We are a happy, friendly surgery, and love to socialise together with regular evenings out for all staff.  Everyone is made very welcome at Gorleston/Hopton Medical Centre’s.

At the end of our training we always seek feedback from our trainees. Our average score is 9.5/10

Here are some of the comments from recent Registrars and F2 Trainees- taken from the Feedback forms given at the end of their Training.

•    I have had a very enjoyable four months (Score of 10/10). F2 Doctor

Which type of the following teaching did you enjoy?  Please comment accordingly 
Case discussions and Debriefing –.YES .I CAN ALWAYS IMPROVE 
General discussions-  YES FANTASTIC SUPPORT 
Score 10/10


•    Everyone has been very helpful and friendly would definitely come back (Score 9/10) 

Tutorials – Useful to go over relevant NICE guidance and revise over relevant investigations and management 
Case discussions – Very helpful to get CEX and allow you to discuss more complex patients in detail 
Debriefing –.Useful to understand learning points 
General discussions- Clinicians were always approachable and supportive, asking any questions even when busy 

•    Thank you very much. I have really enjoyed my time at GMC. I felt welcomed and a part of the team.  (Score9/10) Registrar

One of our recent evenings out is to the left. We look forward to welcoming you as part of our team. Why not visit our website at  

East Norfolk Medical Practices - Newtown, Caister & Lighthouse


Dr J Gan - Newtown Surgery

Dr L Santori - Newtown Surgery

Dr D McConnell - Lighthouse Medical Centre

East Norfolk Medical Practice prides itself on a high standard of educational provision. In addition

to the training of registrars, we teach 4 years of medical students. We are a practice of over

31000 patients, served by 14 GP partners and 3 salaried GPs. In addition, we have an urgent

care team made up of 3 emergency care practitioners, 4 paramedics and 4 physician

associates. Urgent care operates from Phoenix House which is adjoined to the Lighthouse

Surgery located in the centre of Great Yarmouth. Here we provide same day emergency care to

patients who feel they need to be seen urgently.

Our main surgery is a converted and modernised house on the north side of Great Yarmouth.

One of our branch surgeries is part of a purpose built Health Centre in Caister. We have 2 other

surgeries in the centre of Great Yarmouth. We have 2 nurse practitioners in addition to the usual

range of administrative, nursing and attached staff. The Practice has special interests in the care

of Homeless people, managing dependent behaviour, dermatology and minor operations and the

teaching of doctors, nurses, paramedics, nurses and physician associates in training.

We undertake child health surveillance and have regular clinics for Asthma, Diabetes,

Hypertension and Heart Failure. Our equipment includes ECGs, Spirometers and Dopplers at all

surgeries. A Hyfrecator and Cryotherapy facilities are available for minor operations. We are

responsible for providing Improved Access .The practice uses the SystmOne computer system

and is working towards a paperlight policy for patient records and administration.

Please visit our website

Great Yarmouth - The Park Surgery


Dr Myles Duffield
Dr David Ekbery 

Dr Philip Moxon (Associate Dean for GP Training in Norfolk) 

Dr Paul Noakes 

Dr Donna Machin Associate Trainer

This is a practice with 7.7 WTE doctors and a patient base of 13,000. All the partners participate in training. We are fully computerised, and have the usual ancillary services attached to the practice. 

We provide all the necessary training and feedback to enable the Registrar to successfully complete all aspects of the workplace based assessment element of the MRCGP. All GPStR’s will be supported through the MRCGP examination. Full use of videos is made to teach consultation skills as well as directly observed consultations. Weekly educational meetings are held on Friday lunchtimes with lunch provided 

We are also a training practice for the UEA Medical School in Norwich. Out of hours is now provided by IC24 locally and you will be able to book training sessions directly with them. Our aim is to provide high quality and supportive teaching tailored to the registrar’s individual needs within a relaxed atmosphere. 

All the partners have interests outside medicine which include sailing, birdwatching, running and music and there is a good working knowledge of Broadland inns. 

Please visit our Practice website.

Kessingland - Longhsore Surgeries

Dr David Johnston, also Training Programme Director

Dr Peter Ho; Associate Trainer 

This is a rural practice with four Partners (dispensing to approximately 33% of its patients) covering two hundred square miles of north east Suffolk. The main surgery is at Kessingland, where the four Partners are based and where most of the Registrar’s time is spent.

The Partners also work at the branch surgeries in Wangford and Wrentham. We have three surgeries, one is purpose built and two are converted.

Our current list size is just over 6500 patients and we use the EMIS Web Clinical Software System. All of the Partners operate a personal list system. They cover each other on days off and holidays using the “buddy system”.

All the Partners take a share in the training but most of the training undertaken is covered By Dr Johnston.

The Clinicians are well supported by a full compliment of Management and Administration staff who help to run the Practice professionally and efficiently.

The Partners’ clinical interests include minor surgery, geriatrics, womens’ health and child welfare. Non clinical interests include sailing, diving, tennis and carpentry.

For more information about the Practice please visit our website:

Lowestoft - Alexandra & Crestview Surgeries


Trainer: Dr Rav Lall

With 4 GP Partners and three salaried GPs, we are a PMS practice of c. 15,000 patients in the north of Lowestoft. We have two sites, one at Alexandra Road, where our premises include a Well pharmacy, and a second site at Crestview Drive which has a large training and meeting room. We use the EMIS Web computer system. 

Currently we have one trainer Dr Rav Lall. And fellow Partner Dr Stephen Domek has recently started the process of becoming an associate trainer. Training is seen as a practice-wide team approach and all Partners and other clinicians are involved. We also teach 2nd, 4th and 5th year UEA medical students. Out of hours training is provided by IC24 locally and you will be able to book training sessions directly with them. 

Our team is supported by 2 nurse practitioners, 1 advanced nurse prescriber, 3 practice nurses, 1 health care assistant, practice manager and 30 reception/admin staff. District nurses, community matrons, midwives, health visitors, smoking cessation advisers and health trainers are attached to the team and most hold weekly clinics at the practice. The Partnership has a weekly management meeting and all GPs meet during the week to discuss clinical issues, Registrars attend both meetings. 

Chronic disease is nurse led. Most of the same day ‘urgent’ cases are seen by nurse practitioners. We provide child health surveillance and minor surgery. As you would expect we are represented at Health East Clinical Commissioning Group meetings, clinical leads and prescribing leads meetings. 

The personal interests of the GPs include sailing, skiing, fencing (the type with swords!), DIY and documentary watching. As a practice we like to socialise together when opportunities arise and the Partners host at least two practice events annually to which staff’s partners are invited. 

If you have any queries prior to making a decision about whether or not to choose the practice for your training please do not hesitate to contact practice manager Michelle Kears or Dr Rav Lall Our practice website is   

Lowestoft - Andaman Surgery Training Practice


Dr Susan Lock Associate Trainer

Dr Hitesh Kumar Associate Trainer

Andaman Surgery is a small, friendly practice comprised of 4 GP Partners (2 full time; 2 part-time) and a list size of approximately 6,800 patients who live in Lowestoft and the surrounding areas. The practice is located on the outskirts of Lowestoft (south of Lake Lothing) and allows easy access from the A12 from Ipswich or A146 from Norwich.

There are some pockets of deprivation within the practice area. We offer the full range of GP services with all partners carrying out minor surgery, child health surveillance, maternity and contraceptive care. We consistently achieve higher targets for immunisations and smears and our experienced nursing team offer Long-Term Condition care and review appointments as well as travel advice and hormone injections.

The practice achieves high returns on the Quality and Outcomes Framework. We operate a personalised list system for the purposes of patients having a named, accountable doctor but patients are free to choose who they see though we ask them to keep seeing the same GP regarding a particular problem for continuity of care.

Our team is supported by 1 Nurse Practitioner, 1 Nurse Prescriber, 1 Practice Nurse, 2 Health Care Assistants, Practice Manager, Assistant Practice Manager and 10 reception and administrative staff. The practice is involved in the Lowestoft Primary Care Alliance (LPCA) of practices and shares a home visiting clinician with 4 other LPCA practices.  District nurses, health visitors, midwives and a community matron are attached to the team. The practice holds a clinical meeting weekly with guest speakers and the wider community team regularly invited. In addition there is a GP weekly meeting with the practice manager. There is a dedicated consulting room for the GP Trainee.

We use the clinical software system SystmOne. Our OOH service is covered by IC24 Ltd.

All practice staff are committed to delivering a high quality of patient-centred care recognising the need for effective teamwork.

Teaching within the practice will consist of:

  • Case analysis and discussion;

  • Tutorials by way of:-

    • Cases selected by either doctor;

    • Random case analysis;

    • Analysis of components of daily working e.g. referrals, record keeping, Prescribing habits;

    • Care planning;

  • Attendance at practice educational and business meetings

  • Direction to specific problems and patient e.g. Management of chronic disease, problem families, end of life care

  • Discussing various topics e.g. accounts, practice agreements, practice management, clinical audit etc. 

  • Defining specialist needs, e.g. attendance at outpatient clinics, i.e. Dermatology, Ophthalmology etc.

Visit our website:

Andaman Surgery, 303 Long Road, Lowestoft Suffolk

Tel: 01502 517346

Email: Practice Manager

Lowestoft - Rosedale Surgery, Carlton Coleville


Trainer: Ben Olaleye 

Associate Trainer:  Richard James

The Practice is situated on the outskirts of Lowestoft and Oulton Broad in Suffolk. Lowestoft is predominantly a seaside holiday town and retirement area; Oulton Broad is known as the gateway to the Broads and is an area of outstanding natural beauty. 

The surgery is easily accessible being situated on the outskirts of the towns in an area of suburban housing. The surgery is purpose built modern surgery which has plentiful parking, 12000 plus patients and all registrars have dedicated consulting rooms. The practice scored good in all areas for CQC with no improvement recommendations. 
There are 8 partners working a variety of numbers of sessions. Registrars and patients benefit from the partners additional interests and experience in ENT, family planning, paediatrics, enhanced minor surgery, emergency medicine and training of local medical undergraduates (UEA). The practice has a good working relationship with the CCG and LMC with partners having posts in both. 

We have 3 trainers and all partners and team are committed to and enjoy training, providing an active and supportive role to all registrars through the requirements of the nMRCGP. We have an ethos of fair working with the partners and registrars sharing work equally and providing support to each other. 

There is an experienced team of clinical staff including Paramedic, Nurse Practitioner, General Nurses and Health Care Assistants. Attached staff such as Health Visitors, Midwives, Mental Health Link Workers, Smoking Cessation Providers and Health Trainers all provide services at the surgery. 

The management and administration team is very experienced and will ensure that all registrars are welcomed and will be included in our close team. The administration team aims to ensure that the GP’s can concentrate on patients whilst ensuring that the surgery meets every possible target in the most efficient and clinically non-invasive way. The whole surgery is forward thinking, open to new ideas and supportive of change. The surgery uses SystmOne, EPS and Online Access via our new interactive website which promotes paper less ethos; along with many repetitive clinical tasks being automated. 

The surgery has a central office where clinicians meet informally throughout the day. On Wednesday, formal meetings are held; both clinical (including clinical governance issues, speakers, significant events and palliative care meetings) and business, and registrars are included in both. All decisions are reached in a democratic manner with each doctor overseeing certain areas that are of interest to them and sharing workload equitably. Registrars are able to benefit from the wealth and diversity of our experience, the informal atmosphere and the accessibility and support of all members of the team. 

Lowestoft - Victoria Road Surgery


 Dr Alexander (Sandy) Anderson,

Dr Jenny Morrison

Associate Trainer:  Dr Yvette Stipp.

The Practice has five full time Partners and is housed in modern well-equipped premises within a few hundred yards of Oulton Broad. We have friendly staff, personal lists, a compact practice area and assist the local out of hospital team. Our professional interests include whole person/whole family medicine, vocational training, dermatology, minor surgery, family planning, psychiatry and paediatrics which allow the trainees to learn from a diverse range of interests.

Our current list size is just over 11,000 patients and we use the EMIS Web clinical software system but are due to switch to System One in June 2019.

In addition to the GP establishment the Practice employs two Nurse Practitioners, four Practice Nurses, and three Health Care Assistants / Phlebotomists. Community based staff including District Nurses, Health Visitors, Midwifes and Health Trainers providing services at the surgery to support our clinical team.

We have an experienced managerial team led by our Practice Manager and ably supported by an assistant Practice Manager and the department section heads to attend to all administration matters.

The GPs meet regularly each week with key surgery staff and topics for discussion are usually focussed on educational matters. There is a formal business meeting held each month.

There are weekly tutorials arranged to cater for trainees individual educational needs

All GPs take part in training to support trainees in all aspects of their workplace based assessment element of the MRCGP.  We encourage use of videos as part of the teaching regime. The practice also host undergraduate students from Cambridge University for training from time to time in addition to trainee GP’s.

The GPs' personal interests include cycling, skiing, travelling, hockey, music and reading.

Our website address is


Southwold - Sole Bay Health Centre


Trainers: Dr Christopher Castle,

Associate Trainer: Dr John Stammers

We are a GMS, dispensing practice located in the picturesque coastal town of Southwold and Reydon. This rural practice has an area of approximately 200 square miles with 5200 patients. We have two GP partners, three salaried GPs and two Nurse Practitioners. Supporting them are four practice nurses, two HCAs and an experienced team of administrators/receptionists. The GP’s operate a personal list system and offer urgent/same day appointments with the nurse/GP same day team as well as routine/book-ahead appointments.

We are located in large, purpose built premises in Reydon which offer exceptional facilities for patients and for teaching.  We have recently taken over the neighbouring Bungay Medical Practice so there is the opportunity to visit an alternative site and some GP and nurse staff work at both sites.

The practice has a very strong team ethos and a holistic view to medical practice. We have strong working links with local health organisations, such as NHS Gt Yarmouth Waveney CCG (Dr Stammers was their Chairman) and East Coast Community Health.

Services Provided 
In addition to the full range of GP services, we also offer: 
Maternity medical services; 
Antenatal Clinics; 
Contraceptive services; 
Health Checks; 
Child Health Surveillance services; 
Minor Surgery services; 
Travel Advice; 
Smoking Cessation; 
Chronic Disease Management for: COPD, Asthma, Diabetes, Coronary Heart Disease, Hypertension.

On-line Services - Patients registered for SystmOnline can use the service to book appointments, send repeat medication requests, complete questionnaires and view their Summary Information (Medications, Allergies and Sensitivities).

Medical Students and Newly Qualified Doctors 
One of the great benefits of our new premises was the opportunity to expand our teaching capacity. We will be teaching Medical Students from UEA and Cambridge. We are approved to train foundation doctors as well as speciality GP trainees


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